viernes, 14 de junio de 2019

Not a Good-Bye, but a See You Soon!!!

Pete, these eight months have flown so fast. You are leaving today, but we don't feel like saying good-bye, but see you soon. You know you will always be welcome at our school, so come back whenever you want!!!

3º de ESO and Recycling

This year different subject teachers have proposed 3º de ESO students to work on the issue of recycling.
In English the unit Recycle your Fashion finished with students' own fashion designs using recycled materials, such as plastic, cardboard, old clothes, paper and most important of all: work, enthusiasm, motivation, creativity and imagination. Some of them were amazing as seen in the photos below.
No wonder some of our students may become famous fashion designers in the future dressing kings, queens and celebrities as Lorenzo Caprile, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada or Alejandro Gómez Palomo do or maybe founding clothing companies such as Ecoalf imitating the example of Javier Goyeneche and his concern about the environment.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019

A Cool Technology Project

Can't you get a big town inside a small school? We can!!! How? That's easy thanks to our technology teacher Jorge García Angélica and his 3º and 4º de ESO students with the help of other teachers such as Aurelio Vega and Francisco Dueñas. They have developed a stunning project not only shown at our school, but beyond as their "Smart City Project" has taken part in the XI Encuentro de Ciencias at IES Bezmiliana on 2th May and in FANTEC/19 in the Facultad of Ingeniería at the UMA on 24th May. There is also an information brochure in three different languages: Spanish, English and Portugese because our English assistant teacher and a Brazilian exchange student have also been involved in this fabulous initiative.
With this ambitious project, Jorge doesn't simply want to teach technology making use of 3D printers and stuff like that. He also aims to make young people concerned about the worrying evinronmental issue and we think he got it.
According to him, this work will be retaken up next year. In the meanwhile we can enjoy some photos taken at the different exhibitions: