martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

The Water Project for 1º de ESO

This year teachers from different areas have been working on a project addressed to 1º de ESO students. The common topic has been WATER.

A multidisciplinary approach has been adopted and each subject has contributed to it in a different way.  For example, English teachers and students worked on an adaptation of the song "I'm Singing in the Rain". Besides students worked on tips for saving water at home. The P.E. teacher and his students enjoyed a morning out kayaking. They bordered the conserved Maro-Cerro Gordo cliffs. The Science teacher took students to examine the beach in Almayate. With the Social Science teacher, students recorded some videos showing the use of water throughout history. Above were some samples of all this work. We hope you have enjoyed them as much as teachers and students did!!!

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