domingo, 21 de enero de 2018

Mucho Shakespeare

Most of our students at school had a good laugh last Thursday at the theatre. "Mucho Shakespeare" by Malaje Solo was real fun apart from offering students and teachers a hilarious insight into some of Shakespeare's greatest plays.

The photo below shows some teachers, Gardening and 4º de ESO students after the second performance of the day.

Besides the company actors were really kind as they posed with us. Our pleasure!!!

But who is the actor and who is Eloy, one of the Maths teachers at our school? Could you tell the difference? I really can't!!!

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

Come with us to the theatre!!!

Next Thursday 18th January, 4º de ESO students will go to El Carmen Theatre in our town together with same level students from Reyes Católicos and Almenara secondary schools.
They'll enjoy "Mucho Shakespeare" by Malaje Solo, a theatre company from Seville. "Mucho Shakespeare" is a didactic parody about some of Shakespeare's masterpieces: Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado about Nothing and some others.
Attending this performance is part of a bilingual school project for 4º de ESO students. Anyway, if you are studyint 2º or 3º de ESO student or if you are a Gardening student at our school, you may also join us.

You won't regret it at all! Have a look at the notice just to imagine what it will be like:

A lot of fun awaits you. Check it right now, by clicking here or in the video below: